Ar Rahman Ar Raheem
alaikum wa rahmathullah wa barakatuhu
seems strange that there should be so much heated discussion amongst
muntaqabāt as to whether it is fardh, mustahabb or totally
unnecessary to cover one's eyes and hands in public or in the
presence of na-mahram.
For me, this answer is simple; whenever
possible 'in public' I do cover my eyes and hands for two reasons:
I do this as I feel it pleases Allah (subhana wa ta’ala)
because I feel that leaving eyes and hands exposed is contrary to the
idea that all of a woman is awrah. This point is confirmed by
many daleels, the two most evident being:
with a Sahih chain reports... "Rasulullah (Sallallaahu “layhi
Wasallam) said “All of a woman is “awrah.”
Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid quotes this hadith narrated by Tirmidhi
with a sahih isnaad and says this is a direct hadith from Rasulullah
(Sallallaahu “layhi Wasallam ) and has made it clear that a woman
must cover everything including the face and hands!)
Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid Quotes All of the woman is awrah based on
the hadith of "Rasulullah (Sallallaahu “layhi Wasallam) said
“All of a woman is “awrah.”
by Tirmidhi with a sahih isnaad). (This is the correct view
according to the madhhab of the Hanbalis, one of the two views of the
Maalikis and one of the two views of the Shaafa”is. )
even if I leave aside such daleels, as an ordinary muslimah I have to
ask myself if leaving exposed such potent parts of a woman’s body
as her eyes and hands can possibly be correct. If we feel we
must cover our faces, is it not strange that we should leave the most
attractive parts of our faces - our eyes -
is an old proverb that says “The eyes are the windows to the soul”,
and a glance at them, especially when framed between niqaab and head
veil, can show the mood of the muslimah wearing niqaab. Eyes reveal
laughter or sorrow without showing the rest of the face, and sadly
they can and are used for seduction and causing fitnah. So it must
be simple logic that they should be concealed in front of na-mahram
if possible.
are not the hands always being used to convey messages? Anyone who
lives in the Middle East will know that no conversation is carried on
without a lot of hand movements to reinforce the speakers points.
Watch an Indian dancer and you can see how hands can be used as tools
of seduction. In addition our hands say a lot about us and can
undermine our anonymity and even hint at our beauty - a young
woman’s hands are normally smooth while her mother’s will show
her age.
to me it seems logical that in front of na-mahram and in public
places I need to cover eyes and hands so as to ensure I do not cause
fitnah. Obviously there are times when I have to uncover my eyes to
a degree or totally, like when driving or reading something in small
print. But walking in the street or in rooms where there are
na-mahram, it is not any trouble or handicap to flip down an eye
veil. Yet we often see muntaqabāt
in the souks, or on buses, or where they are many men, with the eye
veils attached to the niqaabs flipped back so as to expose their
often highly made-up eyes. I have to ask why these sisters bother
to wear niqaab at all when they are showing, even accentuating, the
most expressive parts of the face
own belief is that covering eyes and hands whenever possible is
mustahab. However I do sincerely think that it is up to every sister
to make up her own mind as to the answer to this question. The fact
that someone wears niqaab and covers her hands and eyes does not
necessarily means that she is good muslimah, but I do think we should all
individually look at this problem with open minds and come to our own
answers. Surely it is a small matter, specially when niqaab equipped
with eye veils are so easily made or bought with very little more
effort or expense than ones without them.
to those muntaqabāt who wear theirs
flipped back all the time, I would say that lowering your eye veils
does not make you freaks or half blind people who are liable to walk
into lampposts. What the simple act of pulling down a thin eye veil
does do is to help prevent fitnah. It is something done in a second or two that may well
have beneficial consequences out of all proportion to the VERY minor
inconvenience caused to the individual muntaqabāh.
you don't wear eyes veils of gloves, as I said earlier, it is your
choice. But I hope you at least consider the points I have put
forward in this short blog insha'Allah.