Bismillah Ar
Rahman Ar Raheem
alaikum wa rahmathullah wa barakatuhu
As I was
saying to a wonderful sister in Islam earlier today, I find it difficult to
'lecture' my readers here, and to tell them what to do. Maybe this is because I am the daughter of a
wonderful teacher and Islamic scholar (may he find peace in Jannah) and, as a
child, felt most comfortable when I was listening to his ever wise words to my
siblings and myself. I even recall at
maybe 5 or 6 years of age sneaking in to listen to him talking to his students; I may not have understood too much of what he
said, but the experience has made me a good listener. But NOT a good lecturer !
So it was especially
rewarding when I received two emails from friends who had read the article from
the marvellous sisters at Niqabi Nuances ( ) that
I reposted here. That article,
"Niqab Is Necessary In Islam" had persuaded an old friend of mine
that she should start wearing niqaab as routine and she had emailed me to say
The other
mail was from a sister who I have never met.
She explained that she had worn niqaab when living in the Gulf but that,
since returning home to Jordan, she had worn it less and less until it had
reach to state where she had not worn niqaab for probably two years. She
then told me that reading the article I had reposted from Niqabi Nuances had
made her really feel ashamed of what she had done, and that she had make a
promise to herself that she would always wear it in future when necessary.
I was also surprised to
hear from a sister I was at school with, saying she had read my own "Eye Veils and Gloves? Or Fitnah?" , and that she had seen the logic of my
arguments, and would do her best to do as I had suggested. Since then I have received mails or
messages from two more sisters who also seem to have taken in my words and have
said they will try to amend the way their veil.
In writing this I am NOT saying "Look at me; I am SO clever!" Quite the reverse, as I know that it is Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) who has made these sisters alter their attitudes. All I have done is to open a small channel by which sisters may discover a way to please Him.
At the other end of the 'success spectrum', I know how hard it can be to keep blogging when you have little or no response from your readers (No, I am NOT criticising, as I know I go to a lot of blogs, read what is said, and then move on without leaving a Comment) What I am trying to say is "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK - KEEP BLOGGING !"
If you ever feel unappreciated, please PLEASE log at an item on You Tube which I hope will convince you to carry on insha'Allah.
In writing this I am NOT saying "Look at me; I am SO clever!" Quite the reverse, as I know that it is Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) who has made these sisters alter their attitudes. All I have done is to open a small channel by which sisters may discover a way to please Him.
At the other end of the 'success spectrum', I know how hard it can be to keep blogging when you have little or no response from your readers (No, I am NOT criticising, as I know I go to a lot of blogs, read what is said, and then move on without leaving a Comment) What I am trying to say is "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK - KEEP BLOGGING !"
If you ever feel unappreciated, please PLEASE log at an item on You Tube which I hope will convince you to carry on insha'Allah.
It can be lonely as a
blogger but, if you blog correctly and seek to please Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)
with what you write, you will be
performing dawah and you may be aiding unseen brothers and sisters who you may
never know but who might have gained from your words.